For babies who are not breastfed, it is generally believed that the age of about one year is a good time to wean them from the bottle. Pediatric dentists like to see children stop using a bottle as early as possible. This is because they see an alarming number of children aged 0 to 2 years with early childhood caries. This type of tooth decay, which starts on the front teeth, can be caused by prolonged use of a milk bottle or a bottle with sweetened liquids, or when it is given to the baby to take to bed with them. The same can happen if the baby drinks sweet liquids from a beaker cup.
Bottle weaning can be done in two ways. The first is suddenly stopping the use of the bottle. This is the "cold turkey" method. The second method is a gradual reduction in the use of the bottle. The reduction usually begins throughout the day, when the baby is able to drink from a cup. The last and most difficult method is to stop using the bottle before bedtime.
Parents should keep in mind that it's not the bottle or beaker cup that will cause the problem. It is the sweet drinks contained in it that can cause tooth decay. If your baby needs to suck from a bottle or sippy cup after their teeth erupt, it's best to use only WATER. This approach also helps to promote the healthy habit of drinking water.